Tuesday, March 24, 2009


For those of you that have little kids or have ever worked in Primary, you know how difficult it can be to make prayer time reverent. Dallin and Mandy have a hard enough time as it is staying focused and not picking at and playing with each other during prayer. But then add in an inquisitive 1 year old who thinks he needs to participate with everything his big bother and sister do, and we’ve pretty much lost all hope of reverence. That’s ok though, he is so cute that we always forgive him for stepping over our legs, for pulling our hair, for throwing toys at us, for squealing loudly, for slapping our heads, and for making us laugh during prayer. We’ll keep working on reverence, but I think it may be a while before we really achieve it.


  1. Also toss in one mom who's taking pictures during the prayer...!!! Now do you see where they get it from?!!

  2. Just so you know, Nathan actually took the picture......but I did tell him to go get the camera :)

  3. Oh what a Happy photo... Nothing like prayer with a baby telling you all that he loves you! Forgiveness is such a powerful thing. I know Layon will pick up on being Reverent very soon. He has such great examples to follow. Love the wet clean hair, Love Laytons smile... Awesome!
    Opps this is from Kelly

  4. Sometimes I have a hard time being reverent during prayer. Especially when I was on my mission and we had the giggles. Thanks for sharing! They are so cute. These are the things you'll think of when they are maturing.

  5. Oh, so you were talking during the prayer? I see, that's much more reverent than actually TAKING a picture...!!!

  6. Busted......I guess I am the one that needs to be taught a family home evening lesson on reverence :)

  7. What Katheryn is not telling you is that before I could even take the picture the prayers were over. We had them stay in position and pose for the camera to capture what had taken place. My kids love to pose for the camera so it was as close to the real thing as possible without offending Heavenly Father. I think He has a sense of humor anyway.

  8. Nice save Nathan, but I'm not sure anyone's buying it!!
