Thursday, September 24, 2009

Go Cinnamon Rolls!

This weekend while watching never ending football, Dallin asked Nathan which teams were playing and which team “we” were cheering for. Nathan answered (I don’t even remember with what teams) and Dallin replied, “Oh, I really like that team” (which until that day, I’m pretty sure he had never heard of). Not to be out done, Mandy declared, “I like the Cinnamon Rolls.” After several minutes of laughter we all chimed in with how big a fan we are of cinnamon rolls too. I then asked Mandy if she wanted me to make some and she said, “No, not the ones you eat, the team.” That is when we realized she meant the SEMINOLES. So next time you hear us cheer “Go Cinnamon Rolls” during an FSU game, you’ll know why. And believe me, last Saturday day night I was doing lots of Cinnamon Roll cheering! Love that Mandy girl!

Mandy1 copy


  1. Cute, but I can't say that I'm on the same page with this one. BYU blue runs through the veins.

  2. Mandi Is such a cutie pie and a smartie pants. I am not a huge football girl but I can cheer for some cinnamon rolls!!! What a excellent idea!

  3. In spite of my devotion to all things SEC, I too was cheering for the Cinnamon Rolls on Saturday night. BYU had far too high an opinion of themselves too early in the season. :P

  4. Yes, our house is a house divided. Nathan is Gator through and through and I'm a second generation FSU graduate. So now we've split our kids even further. Dallin loves the Gators and Mandy loves the Cinnamon Rolls. I guess Layton is going to have to like them both!

    Becky, I love you even if you do have blue blood!

  5. And she got some cool new garnet and gold graphics for her cheering! Go Cinnamon Rolls!

  6. Brian loved's now his facebook status! She's a mess!

  7. So Mandy had gone to the dark side. I guess we were bound lose one of them! It is really fun to hear the things kids come up with. I have to say that Jon was definitely not up for cinnamon rolls last Saturday night. Ouch!

  8. so good!!!!!!!!!!!!
