Tuesday, March 16, 2010

He’s Back on the Charts!

In preparation for his upcoming foray into the wide wild world of the terrible twos, I took Layton in for his check-up.  Surprise!  Even though he is still tiny, he made it back onto the charts.  Well, for height anyway.  He is still in the negative for weight, but that’s ok.  It makes it easier to carry him around :)  He is currently 33.75 inches tall and 22.1 pounds.  I can’t believe he will be two on Saturday.  As clichéd as it is to say this, these last two years have simply flown by.  He is growing up way too fast!


  1. I can't argue with that... Annabelle gets so heavy that sometimes I have to make her walk (which has led to a few temper tantrums).

  2. Oh what a cutie pie... I think it is time for our "Lil Plan" where we both have another... Only problem is we wont be close enough to crash on each others couches, or bring each other treats we are craving. But we can call each other and give each other pump up talks, blog about hard being prego can be and then call each other cheer each other on and post photos of our cute lil ones... Oh the plan just keeps sounding better and better. And this way we are giving ourselves better chances of becoming family when the kids grow up!

    Love that lil Monkey. He is so cute!

    Love you
    opps I did it again... this is from Kelly

  3. Yes - you should count yourself lucky. Kate is going to end up breaking my arm. It will be interesting to see where she is on the charts. She may be "off the charts" on the opposite end of the spectrum!
