Thursday, June 30, 2011

The 23rd–Dallin’s actual Birthday

To celebrate Dallin’s actual birthday, we let Dallin pick what to do and eat all day.  So to start the morning out – he requested crepes!  Smart boy that one.


Then he opened one present (he got the rest on Saturday).  It was the last book in his favorite series – Diary of a Wimpy Kid!  So of course he started reading immediately!


We dressed up in Nathan’s old t-shirts and did some painting to prepare for his party on Saturday.


Then we met Nathan for lunch at Dallin favorite fast food place – FIREHOUSE! 


After lunch, while Layton was napping, Dallin and Mandy had a blast playing with water balloons!


After a close encounter of the scary kind with a black snake that ruined the water balloon fest – we headed up to Rita’s to enjoy a little Italian Ice and maybe a brain freeze or two.


For dinner (is it just me, or does it seem like our celebratory day mainly revolved around food???), Dallin picked hot dogs, strawberries, blueberries,


and his favorite vegetable – cucumbers.  Nathan introduced pepper sauce to Dallin and he LOVED it sprinkled on his cucumbers!


Then we watched Dallin’s new movie – Diary of a Wimpy Kid – Roderick Rules!  It was very cute.


And a birthday can’t be complete without cake – so we ended the day with a chocolate chocolate cake.  It was yummy!


At the end of the day Dallin told me it was the best birthday EVER! Which was true until Saturday came :)


Laurel Shaw said...

It's great to be 8 and to be Dallin!!!
That day looked AMAZING!!!!

Kelly said...

Its so crazy to think he could be 8... ouch! The day looked great then I saw that cake and my whole body stared to shake! Yummy!