Saturday, February 20, 2010

Rubbing Off

You know you have been spending too much time with your kids, when you even starting thinking in their vernacular. 
Mandy has never used the word thirsty.  She has ALWAYS referred to herself as being ‘drinky’.    So while sitting by myself (a rare moment indeed) at the computer, I found myself thinking, “I am really drinky.  I could use a glass of water.”  Do you know I walked all the way into the kitchen and got myself a glass of water before I even realized what I had said to myself?  Then I just had to laugh.  That is is life with a mommy brain for ya.


Casey Gentle said...

Mandy is lookin' a little drinky in this picture! She's gorgeous!! She seriously keeps getting cuter!!

Lea Whittaker said...

That is our lives isn't it. I was on a date with Jason and he returned quicker than I expected him and I asked "did you go potty?" You can tell I talk to a 2yo and 4 yo all day too.

Such a cute picture!!