Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Frog Saga

Deanna is scared of frogs.  No, no, that is an understatement.  Deanna HATES frogs and TERRIFIED of them.  So what does Dallin do?  He enlists the help of Mandy and decorates her room in frogs.


In case you can’t read that sign, it says “Are you afraid of frogs?  Answer here_____________”  He started out the reign of terror by placing a little frog on her door handle.


And let me just say it really did scare her.   She was totally afraid to go into her room!


He put every toy and stuffed frog he could find in her room.


And when he ran out of those, he strategically placed Frog and Toad books all over her room.


It was pretty awesome.  I was very proud of him.  I thought the Frog and Toad books were just the perfect touch to the perfect little prank planned out by a 7 year old mastermind.


Mandi said...

Oh my that is really funny. I love the way boys think. What a good prank. I agree the books were the best part. He should have asked Deanna read each one to add to the fun. I love that she fits into your family so well.

Casey Gentle said...

Too funny. Dallin is so funny. :)

Ilene said...

LOL Never ever tell a boy what your afraid of. I'm surprised he didn't go catch a few to let go in her room. Poor Deanna!