Saturday, August 9, 2008

White Gum

Mandy is our little gum chewing girl. She loves gum and asks for it all day long. She likes all kinds of gum, but oddly enough given the choice between sugary bubble and my sugar free mint gum, she will choose the mint gum every time. In order to clearly identify to me what gum she wants, she refers to the mint gum as "white gum". She will actually chew the gum for hours and then spit it out in the trash can.

So far we have had only one little gum in the hair incident, but luckily it was minor and I was able to cut it out, without the loss of hair being too noticeable. Dallin likes to chew gum as well. However he is really funny about the "white gum". He will only chew it for a few minutes because he says that it makes his teeth "too clean". I was unaware that anyone's teeth could ever be too clean, but apparently they can! I guess the cool sensation that the gum produces makes his mouth feel extraordinarily clean.

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