Tuesday, September 2, 2008


This past weekend we were so glad that we were able to go visit Mama Doris for her 89th birthday. Mama Doris is such an amazing woman. At only 18 years old, she served as a missionary in the Southern States Mission on the Catawba Indian Reservation in North Carolina. This is a picture of her just before she left to go on her mission. Wasn't she a beauty? In her senior years she served another mission for the church at the Atlanta Temple. Her whole life has always been about service. She has served her family in so many ways. One of her many talents is that of being a fantastic cook. She jokingly calls herself a "short-order cook" because she is always ready in the kitchen should anyone mention that they are hungry. She has served in so many different callings in the church. For years she was the seminary teacher and there are a whole generation of people out there that were taught the gospel by her. Her seminary students love her cooking too. She would bring them congo bars every Friday and they declare that she is going to make into heaven on her congo bars alone. We love her very much. I think Emily put it best. In the card the she made for Mama Doris she wrote "Roses are red, violets are blue, you are really old, but we still love you!" Dallin, Mandy, and Layton had a fantastic time at her birthday party. They were so glad that Emily and Sarah could be there to play with them. We had pizza and fried chicken and then had an absolutely scrumptious fudge cake that my mom made. We are already looking forward to celebrating Mama Doris' 90th with her next year.


Kim Jarvis said...

That is amazing. A missionary at 18. What a great legacy!

KYLIA said...

We better tell Aunt Doris to get her rest because next year's party is going to go at LEAST until 8:00 p.m.!!! :)She is amazing and I love her so much!

KYLIA said...

You better tell Aunt Doris to get rested up for her 90th b-day party...we're gonna go at least until 8:00 p.m.!!!
I plan to be holding on to her skirt tails when she enters the pearly gates holding her congo bars!! She is the best...guess that's why we all love her so much!!

Becky Shuler said...

I think it is awesome that you came for her party! I know it meant a lot to her that you and your family were there. She was at Chelsey's getting her hair "set" for her big day. I was happy to wish her a early happy birthday. She is wonderful, and I'm so glad to have known her these past 11 years. We shared the same pew at church for all those years until this spring when Joseph was released from the bishopbirc and got to sit with us. With 3 kids, I guess she felt we needed some space. Now she sits right behind us. We love Aunt Doris!!!