Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Twenty Questions / 7 interesting facts

Tagged by Jennifer:

1. How has blogging changed your life?
It has allowed me to record all the cute things that my kids do which I have been meaning to do for years. I love it and am so glad that I get to share how AWESOME my family is with everyone. I think I have become a little obsessed with it though:)

2. What do you do before bedtime? Brush, floss, check my e-mails, and look to see if I have any comments on my blog :)

3.If you could do it all over, would you get married again? Absolutely! No matter how much Nathan annoys me sometimes, I love him with all my heart. I couldn't imagine life without him.

4. What is the city of your dreams and why? I am not sure how to answer this one. I don't really dream about visiting a specific city. There are certain things that I would like to see before I die, but not all of them are in cities. I would love to see the Grand Canyon, go camping at Yellowstone, visit the Pyramids in Egypt, go to the beach in California, explore Hawaii, visit the Louvre, go on a cruise to Alaska, and many other things.

5. Are you an introvert or extrovert? Definitely an introvert. Don't laugh, but it is actually hard for me to talk with other people sometimes. I just feel so clumsy in my conversation.

6. Do you trust easily? Yes and no. It depends on my first impression of a person.

7. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days? Lack of SLEEP!!!!!!!

8. Is being tagged fun? Sure, except that it takes an awful lot of time to answer all these questions.

9. What’s the last song that got stuck in your head? Don't laugh, but it was Adam-ondi-Ahman. We watched the Emma Smith Story on Sunday, and of all the beautiful hymns that were played in it, that is the one that I keep hearing in my head.

10. What is your best quality? That I have excellent taste in choosing a husband and can produce that most wonderful children in the world!

11. "If [you] had a million dollars" -- what would you do? Buy a larger house, take a long vacation, and then put the rest away into savings.

12. What's better to give or to receive? That is a hard one. I'll be honest, I love getting presents, but I also LOVE getting presents for other people, especially my kids. One of my favorite parts of Christmas is spending lots of time searching out the perfect gift for each of my kids that I just know that they will love.

13. What were your parents going to name you if you'd been born the opposite gender? I don't know. I am not even sure they knew. I think they picked my name while they were in the hospital :)

14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is? Jennifer is AMAZING. We have never actually met, but she was Nathan's very first girlfriend. Now, I think I have more contact with her than he does:) She is hilarious and has such a gift with words!

15. What’s your favorite household appliance? Have to be my washer and dryer. Could you imagine doing laundry for 5 people without it.

16. What websites do you visit daily? DEP website, Blogger, Facebook, Yahoo News

17. What are you eating for dinner tomorrow night? Beef stew and garlic bread.

18. Name a book character you’ve crushed on. There are quite a few, but one that I just re-read recently is Pride and Prejudice, so right now its Mr Darcy for me.

19. What do you like for breakfast? I love ALL breakfast foods. I love them so much that I even serve them for dinner sometimes.

20. How many questions did you change? None.

Tagged by Kim:
Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.

1. I love to cook. But I hate to clean up the mess from cooking. Sometimes I will suggest to Nathan that we order out on the excuse that I don't "feel" like cooking, when in reality I don't feel like cleaning up!

2. I am a huge Harry Potter fan. I have read the books FIVE times. I'm a geek. I know it.

3. I took an art class in college and I got really good at drawing people's profiles. But I never could draw people from the front. The proportions never looked right. I have even tried it again recently and still can't get it right.

4. I love old movies. I especially love Doris Day, John Wayne, Bing Crosby, and Jimmy Stewart. I know that most of them are really cheesy and idealistic, but I love them anyway.

5. I hate olives and super spicy food. Nathan however loves them. I won't let him kiss me after he has eaten them.

6. I love the smell of clean sheets. I honestly think that I sleep better on the nights right after I have washed the sheets.

7. I am a picture freak!!! I take more pictures in one week than some people take in a month. If a day goes by and I haven't used my camera then something serious must be wrong.

Rather than tag anyone specifically, I am just going to ask that anyone that reads this, if you can find the time, please do this same thing on your blog because I would love reading about you and learning more about you!


The Sauls Family said...

Mmm... Mr. Darcy! He's so dreamy. Have you ever seen/read Elizabeth Gaskell's North and South? It's *so* good! Gaskell was a contemporary of the Bronte sisters, but ten times less emo. :P

The BBC did a miniseries of N&S a few years ago, and it's AMAZING. The costumes and cinematography are gorgeous.

And the hero, Mr. Thornton? I think I might prefer him to Mr. Darcy. The last five minutes will kill you dead. ;)

Katheryn said...

No I haven't read or seen it. I have been looking for a good book to read. I'll have to find it at the library. I wonder if I can get the mini-series from Netflix? I'll have to check and see. Thanks for recommendation!!!

The Sauls Family said...

Yes, you can get the mini-series from Netflix. And actually, you can watch it as part of their "Instant Viewing" library! It's four hours long, and the first hour is really setting the plot up, so it's a little slow at first. But it's really, really good, I promise!