Sunday, March 1, 2009

7 days and counting

Remember that post I did about Mandy changing her clothes like 7 or 8 times a day. Well, now she has gone to the other extreme. Now she wants to wear the same shirt every single day. She has worn this same shirt every day for the past seven days.

The only time she takes it off is at night when she is sleeping and when I made her take it off a couple of times so that I could wash it. Is that odd or what? But do you want to know something even stranger? She still changes her pants 5 or 6 times a day. It is only the shirt that has to stay the same. And it's not like this is even a new shirt. She has had it for months. In fact she was wearing it in that other post. Kids are so weird. Or maybe it is just my kids that are so weird.


Becky Shuler said...

I love your weird little kids...and I mean weird in the nicest way!

Cari said...

at least it is a "cute" shirt on a "cute" kid.