Tuesday, September 8, 2009

So Hungry


Can you guess what this post is going to be about?  Our little Layton is one lean mean eating machine.  You wouldn’t know it by looking at him because he is so tiny, but this child can put away the food.  Notice the very fat cheeks and empty plate?  His cheeks are full of the pancake that he scarfed down in  less time than it took me to cook another pancake.  He was so hungry that he came begging for another one.  Looking at his little sad eyes you would think that he had been going without food for days and was pleading for just a little more to fill his empty belly.  It really is crazy how much he can eat.  Some days I think he eats more than Mandy who is twice his size!


Casey Gentle said...

Those are cute chipmunk cheeks. Gotta feed that poor little guy Katheryn, geez!

Stacy Pettersen said...

I believe it! Hands down... Annabelle ate more than Chloe every day she was with us. It must have to do with the ENORMOUS growth in the first two years.

At church on Sunday, Annabelle was drinking her bottle so loudly that Sis. Brimhall asked me when the last time I fed her was! So, I can completely relate.

Erin said...

You manage to get the best pictures!
Grady is an eating machine, too. He said his first non-family word the other day, in reference to his chicken nuggets - "more". (His first word was "uh-oh" when he dropped something off his highchair)
Oh, and love the bracelet :)

Ilene said...

Now you have to remember he's a growing BOY mom. No experience there, but I hear they eat way more than little girls:)