Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It’s a miracle

Mandy is deathly afraid of anything that moves.  Bugs, cats, dogs, you name it.  She is scared of it.  So it came as quite a shock when there was a tiny puppy dog at Dallin’s last soccer game and she actually petted it.


My mouth is still hanging open.  I guess maybe because it was so tiny and didn’t jump up on her and was very docile in letting all the kids pet it?  Or maybe it was just peer pressure.  She saw all the other kids do it and so she did it too.  Maybe that was just one of those times when peer pressure turned out to be a good thing!  Layton of course wasn’t afraid at all.  In fact he was even trying to stick his fingers right in the puppy’s mouth.  Thus necessitating a little fatherly intervention :)  That puppy was amazingly patient!



Mandi said...

SOOOO funny! He is really just such a cutie!!! Good for mandy. I have to say I do not blame on the bugs. I do not like them either.

Kim Jarvis said...

Yay for Mandy! Wish my kids were a little bit more like her. They would run up to a rabid pitbull in a heartbeat if they had the chance.

Casey Gentle said...

Maybe she was getting broken in because Cami was all up in her face! Super cute.