Friday, November 29, 2013

Family Portraits

I love getting a new family picture every year to put up above my piano.  It sits right across from my favorite spot on the couch.  Each time I look up at it, I am reminded of how much our children are growing and how grateful I am for Nathan, Dallin, Mandy, and Layton.  I can’t wait to take a new picture this year with Lily in it.


Stacy Pettersen said...

Such a beautiful family, and Miss Lily will make a wonderful addition!

Becky Shuler said...

I love your pictures and I love your family! :) I am the same way about family pictures every year. My kids dread the photo shoot, but I get so excited about it! I enjoy planning the outfits and the location. You are amazing!

Nana said...

Your pictures are always so cute and I can't wait to see Lilly in one either.