Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My E-mail buddy

Emily has recently become my little e-mail buddy. She is such a sweetheart. She has always been so sweet about sending us letters and homemade cards in the mail. I am really happy that now she has discovered e-mail. I'll have to say that I absolutely love getting e-mails from her. They are always so precious. Emily is also our champion baby holder. Layton loves her. But then, Dallin and Mandy really love her too. In fact, we all love her! I'll have to say that my brother David has turned out some really good kids. I suspect that most of the credit though should go to his wife Sherri :) Emily is just as sweet and kind and loving as you could ever ask for in a child. Sarah is full of life and energy and is not afraid to tell you exactly how it is. And Melanie, I am just so proud of Melanie. She is precisely what every young woman should be like. She is responsible, dresses modestly, works hard, and is kind to everyone. And Andrew, well Andrew is just Andrew. He makes us laugh and keeps us entertained and we love him. My brother David and sister Sherri have set a really high standard with their children. I hope that my children turn out as well as theirs.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

I've really enjoyed looking at your blog! You've done a wonderful job with it. Can I create a link to this blog on the Paul M. Gentry Family blog? We started it last year thinking that it would be a good way for family members to keep in touch. It started off pretty good, but has kind of fizzled. I'm not giving up, though. I'm sending you an invitation to join the blog (it is a private blog) Please feel free to post on the PM Gentry blog, too!
Love ya,
Carolyn Gentry
I'll bet nobody ever told you that Mandy looks just like you! :)