Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Blue Socks

It is always funny to me what children decide their favorite items are. When it comes to socks, Mandy has decided that her blue ones are her absolute favorite. Whenever I tell her to go get her socks and shoes, she always seems to come out holding these blue socks. And if her blue socks are not in the drawer, she comes out of her room begging me to find them for her. She has every color of sock that you can imagine. And for any other thing, if you ask her what color she wants, she almost invariably says pink, with the occasional purple thrown in there for good measure. So why BLUE socks? I have no clue. But as you can see, she has worn them so much that they are threadbare in places. Even when they don't come close to matching her outfit, she insists on wearing them. To all you fashion police out there, don't lock her up for her fashion faux pas.

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