Saturday, August 2, 2008


I know I am probably a bad mom. Instead of immediately wrapping up my scared little girl in my arms, I take a few moments to take a picture of her misery. I just couldn't help it because it really is rather funny. This picture was taken a few days ago right at the end of Mandy's nap. She was asleep and a big storm came up and it started to thunder pretty loudly. At one particularly loud clap of thunder, Mandy came busting out of her room screaming for me. She was in such a panic that she ran right past me sitting on the couch. So what do I do? I grab the camera and when I finally get her attention after she has run through every room in the house, I snap her picture. Then afterwards I played the good mommy and comforted her, all the while trying not to laugh at how she looked running through the house with her short little legs and her hair all a mess, screaming at the top of her lungs for mommy.


KYLIA said...

Well, we definitely won't be nominating YOU for "Mother of the Year!!" Just kidding!! Just remember what Michael always says..."it's better to ask forgiveness than permission!!"
The picture by the way is fabulous...who does her hair?!! :)

LESLIE said...

That is absolutely picture perfect! I'm glad you thought to grab your camera!

Melissa said...

You aren't a bad mom, we all do that, we just don't want to capture the smiles, but we want the frowns and cries too. That really paints a more accurate picture.

Marla said...

I am glad I'm not the only one that takes pictures like these. Sometimes you just have to capture that moment. That way your kids don't think they were little angels and smiled all the time. :)
She is still cute, even when she is upset!

The Sauls Family said...

One day when the girls were about 2 1/2 and 1, they got into my scrapbook supplies and stuck about a hundred stickers all over themselves when i wasn't looking. After I stopped laughing, I had to whip out the camera and take a picture. Moments like make the sleepness nights, dirty diapers, etc worth while. ;)