Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sweet Moments

I am not sure what it is about seeing my children playing together that makes me feel so happy. Is it the feeling that just maybe the things we are teaching them are rubbing off? Is it the hope that the love that they extend to each other now will make them friends for life? Or is it the peaceful feeling it brings into our home not to have them fighting? Watching them share and love and teach each other is a miraculous wondrous thing to me. Dallin putting his arm around his little sister to help her make a basket seems like such a simple insignificant act. But as I looked at them and saw the sweet smile of happiness on Mandy's face my heart swelled with pride and joy. I love my children so much. I think I need to be their mother more than they need me. These little moments of goodness make up for every single moment of trial. Without them life just wouldn't be as happy or chaotic or exciting or frustrating or entertaining or harried or wonderful or tiring or amazing.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Watching my children develop friendships is one my my greatest joys too.