Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Power of the Sun

We recently became the proud owners of a Global Sun Oven. We were first turned onto the idea of solar cooking after watching a food storage video on The Idea Door website. Then Aunt Becky bought one and just raved and raved and raved and raved and raved (I think you get the idea) about how wonderful it was. So we were able to get one, through a really AMAZING deal that Aunt Becky found for us, and this past week I decided to give it a try. My first experience was a little disappointing. I tried making banana nut muffins using my favorite recipe, but because unlike a conventional oven, the sun oven does not have a vent, the muffins ended up having a bit of a steamed quality to them. They still tasted good, but just had a funny texture. I have since learned that there are some special techniques that need to be employed when baking those types of goodies. But at least I was able to get it set up correctly and was able to get it to heat up to 300 degrees on a day when the high outside was only 75. So I count that part of the experiment a success. Next time I think I'll try slow roasting some kind of meat/veggies and see how it goes. I'm just so excited about having a nice 'green' way to cook things and to have the ability to cook stuff if we ever had to be without power for a while. I feel like such a little conservationist. Save the Earth! Go Green! Recycle! Burn Calories Not Oil! Oh wait, I better slow down, that last one actually requires me to exercise. I think I'm getting just a little bit overly excited here. No need to break a sweat. I think I'll just be happy that I can use the sun to cook my food occasionally and maybe save us a couple dollars on our electricity bill in the process!


Ilene said...

Thats so cool. We have been talking about getting a solar oven and a food saver with the attachments to reseal the jars ever since the lesson at church also. Glad to hear the solar oven was easy to use. I can;t wait to get one!

Anonymous said...

aw man i want one to!