Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ward Christmas Party

This year for the ward Christmas party each of the auxiliary heads and the Bishopric acted out a little skit and we, the audience, had to guess the title of each skit. It was pretty funny. Nathan's group acted out Christmas caroling to a deaf person. They did it very tastefully and very humorously. I think the primary presidency's was one of the cutest. They helped Rudolf get his (or in this case her) red nose glowing again. The highlight of the evening for Dallin and Mandy was getting to see Santa Claus. During the last skit, I was standing in the hallway with Layton because he was being extremely fussy. Which was really kind odd for him, because he normally loves being around so many people that he can carefully watch and smile at. But not that night. The only thing I can figure is that he is getting in his bottom two teeth and I think they must have been bothering him. Anyway, while out there, Dallin and Mandy just had to stand with me too. At the other end of the hallway, Santa was waiting for his big entrance after the closing prayer. So Mandy stood at the gym door and peeked down the hall at him and would give him a little wave. Then Santa would wave back and Mandy would begin to giggle. It was so cute. She had this little twinkle of wonder in her eye that was too precious for words. So don't be fooled by the somber expression she is showing in this picture of her and Santa. Truth be told, she is completely in love with him.

Look at Layton's little sad eyes. Even with a sad face he is pretty darn cute. His daddy is looking pretty darn cute too, if I should say so myself.


Stacy Pettersen said...

Sounds like fun, I wish we could have been there! Who played "Santa?" I can't put my finger on that face!

Katheryn said...

Jennifer (Graden) Jackson's husband Shawn played Santa. He was awesome!