Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pre-Mortal Candy Prohibitions

Sometimes Dallin and I have the best conversations. I just love the way his little mind works. On Sunday afternoon, while I was sitting at the computer, Dallin comes up to me and we have this completely random conversation:

Dallin: Before we came to earth, did Jesus tell us that we can't eat candy?

Me: No, he told us that we need to eat things that are good for our bodies.

Dallin: But candy is not good for us.

Me: Yes, but if we eat lots of good for us things, then its ok if we have a little candy as a treat now and then.

Dallin: OK, but dogs eat candy before they eat their dinner.

Me: No, they eat their food first.

Dallin: But they eat dog biscuits as a treat and sometimes they have them before dinner.

Me: Its ok, the dogs can eat the biscuits because they are good for them.

Dallin: Ok.

Then he walked away and was perfectly happy. After he left my side, I spent some time thinking about our conversation and got a fit of giggles so bad that I had to go take a nap.


Later that same day....

Dallin: Sometimes when I spin around and get dizzy, I get the best ideas.

Me: What is your idea?

Dallin: It's a secret.

Dizzy ideas???? Maybe it's a good thing it's a secret. I probably don't want to know.


Kelly said...

CUTE...! I want to know his Secret! I bet it's a good one!

minnieokra said...

Of all the bad things refined sugar is.....remember too that it is a good antibiotic and absolutely essential for bad tasting medicines.

Becky Shuler said...

I think I have laughed until I cried over this. What that child thinks about! He amazes me.