Sunday, February 15, 2009

100 Days of School

Last week Dallin's class reached the 100th day of school. To celebrate, each child had to create a poster of 100 things. Dallin chose to make his poster out of 100 army men. So he counted 100 of them and then we worked together to make a poster. I really love his kindergarten teacher. She comes up with some of the cutest activities. On that 100th day of school, they did EVERYTHING by 100s. Dallin said they jumped 100 times. They read 100 words. They had a snack totaling 100 things (which they had to count), made up of 10 gummy bears, 10 goldfish, 10 pretzels, 10 M&M, 10 jellybeans, 10 Cheerios, etc. They made necklaces out of 100 fruit loops. And then of course each kid got to do a little show and tell presentation of their 100 item poster. When Dallin came home, he told me all about it and said that it was the "funnest day ever". He tells me that about once a week. He LOVES school. And I love that he loves it.

1 comment:

Kim Jarvis said...

They do that up here too. Breanna actually still does it, even in 2nd grade!