Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Dallin is our little whiny child. He whines about everything. But sometimes in between all that whining he can be very sweet and very thoughtful. In one of his prayers (I know I talk about his prayers all the time, but he puts so much thought into them and is so sincere, it is hard to resist not writing down all the cute sweet things that he says), he prayed for me. He prayed, "We thank Thee that we can be good so that Mommy won't get a headache." When I said "Amen" at the end of that prayer, I meant it with all my heart.

He recently did a writing project for school. He was asked what he would do if he had 100 dollars. He wrote that he would let people borrow it and he would give it to me if I needed it. So sweet. I think he believes I really need the money because every time we go to the store I tell him, "I'm sorry sweetie, but I don't have enough money to buy that toy for you." I know there might be a few ulterior motives to him giving me money, but I'm just going to pretend that he wanted to share with me simply because he loves me.


Anonymous said...

That is so sweet!!!!

Becky Shuler said...

I cannot believe that not only is Dallin making his letters..he is making and spelling sentences!! I still have the post it notes that he wrote on and stuck on the walls around the house..I left them right where he put them. It brings me joy to see them. The one in the kitchen says "Toby Cat Spot Cat" He is a genious!!!!!!

Katheryn said...

He did all of the writing and came up with the sentences himself, but I did help him spell a few of the words.

Stacy Pettersen said...

He is a good boy, even if he is a whiner! I like the "cool dude" picture, Dallin has ALWAYS been so photogenic.