Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Dallin brought this leaf over to show me and told me that it was the 'biggest leaf ever’.


Not to be outdone, Mandy quickly grabbed the first leaf she could find and told me that this was the ‘cleanest leaf ever’.


She further explained that this distinction made her leaf extra special because it meant that she could bring hers inside the house. She is such a goof ball.


Kelly said...

I love Mandy's Heart! It is so fun to read about your cute kids. I love how kids think... I hope she got those Chicken nuggets. Dang wish I had some to offer her yesterday!
Love the garden! Nothing like digging in the dirt. Yummers. Sounds like you are in for a treat this sumer!

Erin said...

I love the way that girl thinks!

Casey Gentle said...

Cute kids! That's why Bill Cosby said "Kids say the darndest things!" And I agree...now get me a Jello Pudding Pop! :)