Monday, May 4, 2009

Poor Baby

Layton woke up yesterday morning with a fever of 102.7. Needless to say, I didn’t go to church. Nathan was nice enough to take Dallin and Mandy with him and I spent the morning with my poor little Layton sugars. It is always so sad to me when my children are sick. They are so pitiful. Around 9:00 that morning Layton began rubbing his eyes and pulling his ears, so I knew that he was sleepy. He was sitting with me and I patted my shoulder and told him to put his head on my shoulder. He lay his head down and I rubbed his bony little back. Within 30 seconds, he was asleep. He hasn’t fallen asleep that easily since he was a newborn. He woke up and we snuggled and I gave him more medicine. He spent most of the morning just sitting with me on the couch. Then I guess the medicine kicked in a little and he went off to play with his ball. A little while later, I didn’t hear him playing anymore and so I went looking for him. Normally when I don’t hear my kids, it usually means that I am going to find them somewhere getting into something. Not this time. I walked around the couch and found him lying on the floor like this:


I couldn’t believe it. He has NEVER done that before. That fever must have really been wiping him out. I am really hoping that he will start feeling better soon. I just hate to watch him feel bad. It makes me wish I had some way to suffer through the sickness for him. I would gladly take on the fever and headache and whatever other symptoms might pop up, so that he wouldn’t have to go through it. I so wish that I could.



mrsarmogansclass said...

Awwwww...that picture IS so pitiful! Poor Baby :( I hate it when Chandani isn't feeling well. She's had a little cold off and on and of course she's been teething which has been so hard to watch. You can tell she's just miserable, but all you can do is just watch and cuddle them when you can. I hope your little man feels better VERY soon!!!

Kim Jarvis said...

Poor Layton Sugars! I'm sorry that he's not feeling well!
I've always hated it when the kiddies don't feel well. But, at the same time, I love that it makes them so cuddly and snuggly.

Casey Gentle said...

Pitiful...but I love it! I hope he feels better today! I know you certainly don't need 2 sick kids!

Lea Whittaker said...

That is pitiful! I hate it when they are sick but I do love how snuggly they can be. Caden one time fell asleep while pushing a toy around on the floor when he was little, it was funny and rare!! That is when you know they don't feel well. Hope he gets better soon!

Becky Shuler said...

Get well soon, cutie pie! Hope he is feeling better today.