Thursday, June 18, 2009

Random Dallin Thoughts


Taking a peak inside Dallin’s mind sometimes is a singularly hilarious experience. Seriously some of the stuff he comes up with…


Song Titles

We have a digital piano and on it are about15 different demo songs that display the different sounds the piano can produce. Dallin and Mandy love to play them and then dance to them. Recently Dallin has taken to naming some of them and then doing a specific dance or hand motions them. Some of the titles are “Special Baby” with an accompanying baby dance, “I Can’t Stop the Boys” which requires a good deal of running, “The Mice Go Running” with ensuing running on tiptoes, “Swinging Boat” with arms swaying side to side like a rocking boat, “Kanga Catches Pooh” where Dallin chases Mandy all around the house, “The Eggy Dance Song” where you spin around and jump up at random times.


Party Planner

Dallin apparently has all his birthday parties all planned out for the next few years. This year the theme is soccer.

“Mom when I turn 7 I want my party to be a baseball party. And the next year basketball. And the next year football. And then I want my party to be about running. And the next year tennis. And the next year bowling. And the next year swimming. And the next year…um…hula hooping…Mom is that a sport?"



“Mom, I love cookies and milk. I know these cookies aren’t homemade, but this milk taste homemade. I love homemade milk.”

Yep that’s right folks, it’s homemade milk, pasteurized, homogenized, bought from a store, poured out of a plastic jug, homemade milk.


Stacy Pettersen said...

Hysterical! Did you remind him tht he already had a Baseball party? He is such a little man who loves his sports. And I bet he wouldn't really like REAL homemade milk, the kind straight from a cow. I'm told that takes some getting used to!

Luisa Perkins said...

Kids are GREAT; yours are adorable!

Casey Gentle said...

I know you do a lot of great cooking and creating but homemade milk!! :) I love it! I think the milk and cookies thing is pretty much least continental!
Stacy- On my mission I had it straight from the cow, its intense!