Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Haircut

During the past month or so, we have had two different people who have mistakenly referred to Layton as a girl. We took that as a sign that it was time to cut his hair. I have to admit, I was a little sad because I loved his little mullet. The curls in the back were so cute. But, it was time for him to get the little boy haircut look.

It is not exactly easy to cut the hair of a 17 month old.


He wiggled and squirmed and turn his head from side to side. Oh, so much fun!


The cut isn’t perfect, due to a combination of his squirming and my only so-so hair cutting skills.


I think he looks cute though.


But then, I do willingly admit that I would think he was cute even if we had shaved his head bald.



Becky Shuler said...

Darling. Did you save any of his curls for his babybook? None of my kids have had curly hair, so I'm jealous. He looks so grown up now!

Casey Gentle said...

Brave mom! Something about hair cutting shears (cause they're NOT scissors) getting close to a wiggly baby scares me! Looking good!

Mandi said...

He does look so cute! I loved the little curls to though! I love the pic of him with that big smile on his face. He looks so happy! You did a great job.

Becky Shuler said...

Ooooooh. I remember when you gave Dallin his first haircut (one of my favorite pictures). He suddenly went from baby to toddler. Looks like Layton is following in his big brother's footsteps. So cute!!!!!!

Erin said...

You are one brave Mama! His haircut looks so cute, you did a wonderful job! I still don't understand how anyone could mistake that handsome little man for a girl - mullet or not!