Thursday, September 17, 2009

Lunch with Nana & Grandpa

During those few days that Nathan’s dad was able to visit before going overseas, Nathan took a long lunch from work and we all met up to enjoy a meal together.

Mandy was overjoyed to see her Nana and Grandpa.


Even Layton joined in on sharing the love.


We’re going to miss you Grandpa!  We hope you’re safe and settling in ok over there!


Nathan said...

We miss Dad already but we know he is and will be protected. I hope he is able to get internet access once he is out there. Love that webcam.

Casey Gentle said...

Isn't it amazing the love grandparents have for their sweet grandkids? I can't wait to see my parents hold my baby for the first time. It's going to be completely beautiful!

Nana said...

Dad called me yesterday to let me know he was there safe. The USO was letting people call home for free. They are 7 hours ahead of us. So when he called me at 1:00 pm it was 9:00 pm there and he was getting ready to go to bed. He was so tired after that very long flight.

Becky Shuler said...

Hope your father in law is doing fine. How nice that you got to spend a little time with him before he left.