Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Party! Party! Party!

Mama Doris’ birthday party was the place to be last Saturday night. There were so many people there. It was fantastic. There was so much love in that room.

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This is Mama Doris’ only living brother, Uncle Pete, and Aunt Caroline.


Seriously, there were so many people there. Even my brother Cliff showed up! Don’t you just love his smile? His nick name isn’t Mr. Ed for nothin’ ya know.


Can you believe that Aunt Becky and Kylia were worried that there wouldn’t be enough food because we were doing it pot luck style? Bahahahahahahahaha

If you left hungry from the party, it was your own dang fault!


Even my mother-in-law came. Whew, she’s a brave woman! I think she still might be experiencing the after affects of the culture shock!


And Jaren, this picture is just for you. Love you!


Really though, thank you for your help. And Kylia you need a huge shout out! Do you know that I didn’t even get a picture of you? What the heck was I thinking? Thank you though for all you did. And thank you to Leslie, Gyll, Gayle, Gretchen, Uncle Jon, Aunt Mary, Charles, David, Sherri, Lynn, Paul, Lori, Brian, Meris, Terah, Drew, and everyone else that helped out with setting up, cleaning up, providing entertainment, and decorations. Leslie painted this banner. Isn’t it awesome?


Simply amazing how many people were there!

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The cakes looked great and tasted great too! Thanks again to Kylia!


The evening was also full of entertainment. Zach and his brother Jacob were fantastic!


So good in fact, that even Mama Doris got up and danced.


And you know my kids. They never miss any chance to dance. Just look at Mandy shaking her little booty.

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One act that I really enjoyed that evening, was Paul and Lori singing “Snow White Dove”. Once you listen, you’ll understand why Mama Doris loves to hear them sing so very much. She requested this performance special. It is also rather comical because my cousin Paul is a goof and I love him!

And even though people were supposed to bring their covered dish as their gift, some people brought gifts anyway. Mama Doris loved every single one!


There was one other performance at the party that was extra special, but I think it deserves it’s own post, so stay tuned tomorrow.


KYLIA said...

Wow! That was awesome! I got exhausted all over again just reading the post!! :) YOU deserve a huge shout out too! You did the decorations, party favors, programs, sign-in scrapbook...the list goes on and on! A big "whoop! whoop! going out to you Kat!

Erin said...

Katheryn, you do such a great job on your posts - you always make me feel like I was there!
It looks like a fantabulous party, I love the picture of Mandy gettin' down.
I can't wait for tomorrow's post!

Kelly said...

Wow that was a party! I bet Grandma loved her book you made her! Love her sweet face! But her Dancing is Amazing. Wish I could have danced a bit with ya!
Love those dancen kiddos of yours too!

Becky Shuler said...

It was awesome! And something I'm sure she'll never forget. I know what you are gonna post next...did you video all of it? :)

Jaren said...

Kat...you were wrong for dat! That picture, funny as it was, really didn't deserve honors on the blog about the party! Too funny!! It was soo much fun!

Casey Gentle said...

You certainly know how to throw together 90th birthday party. I will go ahead and put you in charge of my 50th! You've got 20 years- no pressure. I love the Snow White Dove, I can see why Mama Doris requested it. Looks like a FABULOUS time! Looking forward to tomorrow. :)

Mandi said...

Oh I am so jealous of people who still have a grandparent. I love that she got up and boggied. AMAZING! I love mandy's bootie shake. Great party thanks for sharing. She is so cute!

Katheryn said...

Jaren, you know you loved getting a little face time on a blog that is read by all of 10 people.

And yes Becky, I did get most of the performances on video. I had to cut out a little of the stuff though because is several places all you can hear is Mandy asking for a candy bar. That's my Mandy girl!

And Casey I'd love to be your party planner!