Thursday, October 1, 2009

Déjà vu Cleaning

Déjà vu Cleaning – cleaning a similar mess over and over and over and over again.

Anyone who has ever cleaned anything has had this experience. You clean something up, only to have to clean it up again another day. Right now, since Layton has discovered the joys of books, I have been experiencing this in the extreme. Instead of daily repeats of cleaning, it has almost become hourly.


Sometimes it is a small pile.


Sometimes a large one.


Layton hasn’t learned yet how to judge which book it is until he sees the front cover. So he simply pulls books one at a time from the shelf until he gets to the one he wants.


See, haven’t I seen this pile before?


There it is again.


Seriously, it is getting out of hand. Now rather than just the incessant requirement to do laundry, I have to add the constant picking of up books to my list of things to do. Ack!!!


KYLIA said...

I don't know how you do it! I complain about Brian's bathroom and I only go in there once a week to clean...I'd got mad if I went in there everyday!

The Jackson Family said...

I have to do the same thing but it is dvd cases!

Mandi said...

Sooo funny! You should see my hallway. I have a large stack to same size of all of Abigails books. I fell like between books, princesses and dishes I can never say that I am bored!

Becky Shuler said...

I can totally relate! Juliette loves to "read" too. The kids books are in the boys' room and they get frustrated when then come home from school and discover that she's made a mess of their room! She loves pulling the books off the bookcase and reading them. Trouble is, she hasn't learned how to put them away...
Most of my work is cleaning up after my three little blessings! :)