Thursday, June 27, 2013

Soap Man

Dallin is so clever with the things he creates.  For cub scouts, he had to make a carving out of soap.  So what did he choose to make?  Himself – dressed as a missionary :)


How cute is that?

Monday, June 10, 2013


While the Jarvis/Pettersen cousins were visiting I decided to have a cousins sleepover.  I wasn’t quite brave enough to have Reese join us because I was afraid she would miss her mommy too much.  But still, I almost had all of them here.  And 9 kids in our tiny house was quite the accomplishment!!!

To start the fun they wolfed down a donut


and then headed outside to play.


After some good hard playing outside it was time for a little playtime inside and then dinner!


And everybody knows that once you finish dinner your are supposed to hide under the table.  At least that’s what they told me.


Time for popcorn and a movie!  Or well technically lots of movie shorts.  Pixar shorts are hilarious!


We let them stay up to the terribly late hour of 10:00 and they promptly woke up before 7:00.  Awesome.  Pillow fight!!!!


Layton quickly tired of the pillow fight because lets face it, it was morning time and he needed his morning milk to get him going.  He really is no good until he gets his chocolate milk ;).


It was a lot of fun and hopefully we can do it again sometime!

Bring on the summer time fun…


A laugh….

This picture makes me giggle.  The are watching Brave and it is at one of the scary parts.  Layton covers his eyes and Kate laughs at it.  I love it :)


Science Fair Project

This is the first year Dallin had to do a science fair project.  Luckily, his teacher made it pretty easy on us and gave us a website to go to where Dallin could simply pick out a project to do.  The website spelled out each step of the process and made it pretty easy to do!  But even though it was relatively easy, it was still a pretty interesting project.

Dallin decided to learn a little bit about creating electricity.  He found a project that allowed you to produce electrical current with the use of coins – specifically nickels and pennies.  Grandpa let us borrow his multi-meter to measure the current. 



Prep work:  Washing the coins, cutting paper towels to hold the electrolyte solution, and making the solution


Building the voltaic stack – one penny, soaked paper towel, one nickel, soaked paper towel, and so on


Taking the measurements:


Dallin had lots of fun doing it!  Plus he got a 100 on his project – Awesome!
