Monday, July 28, 2008

Popcorn Popping

Whenever Nathan or I put a bag of popcorn in the microwave the kids always come running as soon as they hear the familiar pop pop pop sound coming from the kitchen. Popcorn is one of our family's favorite snacks. We don't just pop it when we are going to watch a movie or something. We have popcorn whenever the mood hits. Morning, afternoon, or evening. Dallin and Mandy have been known to eat a whole bag of popcorn all by themselves. Don't ask me why they love it so, but they do. Is it any wonder that Mandy loves to sing Popcorn Popping on the apricot tree? What is really cute is that Mandy will pretend to offer the popcorn to Layton and then with a very serious look on her face will look at him and say, "No you are not bigger enough to eat popcorn." Then she'll give him a kiss and tell him that he can have some when he is "bigger enough."


Kelly said...

Poor layton has to smell it but doesn't get to Enjoy it! He will get his fair share I'm sure! It was fun singing pop corn popping yesterday! I loved how the well it went in music yesterday with dividing the kids up. How about you? I felt like it was just what we hve needed for a LOOOOONG Time!
The little kids were in Heaven and the big kids loved sitting on the floor. You are Awesome! You needed a good day after having that whole Sunday to yourself a week or two ago. I wanted to bring you over some bubble bath and say go take a hot bath and go to sleep I'll take over the kids. It was CRAZY! But you were incrediable! Love the photos of Layton on the lawn. Thanks for sharing him with me at church yesterday! Ohh what a sweetheart!

Stacy Pettersen said...

I just got caught up since we've been gone so long, and it looks like y'all are having a super fun summer! I wish we were there, but hopefully I'll be coming down to Florida soon! Love you all!!!

LESLIE said...

I can NOT get over how much your kids look IDENTICAL to each other!! My brothers and I look like we come from 3 different families! They are adorable!