Saturday, July 26, 2008

Touching the grass

I laid Layton out on a towel in the grass to see how he liked it. Surprisingly he seem to enjoy feeling the grass and at one point he even tried to eat it. It is always so funny to me how my children respond so differently to the same situation. Dallin for instance hated the grass. He didn't like to touch it, he wouldn't crawl on it at all, and until recently absolutely had to have shoes on before he would walk on the grass. Mandy on the other hand, it didn't seem to affect her at all. She would crawl on it and it has never bothered her in the least bit to run around outside in the grass without shoes on. In fact, sometimes it is worse when she does have shoes on because she can't stand to have any little bit of dirt or grass or rock of any kind in her shoes. She doesn't mind getting her feet dirty, she just doesn't want it inside her shoes. We'll have to see how Layton handles things as he grows, but so far he seems to like the feel of grass. Children truly are born as unique individuals. They are born with their own likes, dislikes, mannerisms, attitudes, feelings, thoughts, expressions, and perspective. I guess as parents, we just need to help them take their individuality and focus it on doing good and choosing right.

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