Friday, September 19, 2008


I think we have at least 200 hundred different toys in our house, of which about 30 are little toys specifically designed for babies. And while Layton does play with them some, what oddly enough holds his attention for the longest amount of time is a big bag of wipes. Perhaps it is the allure of the bright red packaging or the crinkling sound it makes as he touches it. We are not sure what the attraction is, but he loves it. So of course I took a picture of him with it. The next thing I know, Dallin is laying beside Layton begging me to take a picture of him too. Two seconds later Mandy has made her way down beside him too and asks me to take another picture with her in it. It seems that I have passed my addiction of picture taking down to my children. They like to be IN the picture and I like to TAKE the picture. At least it is a harmless addiction and actually serves a purpose in documenting the sweet little lives of my children. I guess I could have passed worse things on to them :)

1 comment:

LESLIE said...

I have been wanting to post all of the crazy things Kyers prefers over her toys! It's so strange!! He is really starting to look like the other two! I love those blue eyes!