Yesterday morning Mandy was dancing in the living room and Dallin was standing beside her goofing off. Mandy flung out her hand in one of her dance moves and her fingernail scraped across the front of Dallin’s eye. At first when Dallin started crying about it, I thought it would just be the usual little moment of pain and then it would pass and he would be fine. But after a couple minutes he was still complaining about how much it hurt. So I took a look in his eye and sure enough you could actually see a little scratch across the front of his eyeball. Thank goodness it wasn’t bleeding or I think I would have passed out.
So we went to see the eye doctor and now he has to have drops in his eyes twice a day to prevent infection and he has to take it easy for a bit. Which he is pretty happy about because it meant no school yesterday and no school today! Hopefully though, he should be back to normal in no time at all! In fact he says that it is not bothering him nearly as much today, so I think it must be healing up pretty quickly.
Oh the crazy things that happen when you have kids.