Labor Day always brings with it the fun of the Jarvis family reunion. There is always yummy food and tons of people that I don’t know. I’m starting to recognize most people’s faces now, but since I see many of them only once a year, there are still quite a few names that elude me. These are a some random pictures of a few of the people in attendance. For some reason (namely that I had to watch Layton like a hawk around the pool), I didn’t get very many pictures of all the people that didn’t come out and hang around the pool.

And it wouldn’t be a family reunion without pickles!!!!
One of the biggest highlights of the day was that Nathan’s Dad was able to get a few days off from his deployment training in Wisconsin to visit with everyone before he heads off to Iraq.

The highlight of the reunion for my kids is always the pool. Because Dallin could touch the bottom, he actually swam from one side of the pool to the other. But because he is a chicken, he refused to try it at the deep end.

And Mandy, well Mandy is just Mandy.
Notice the grumpy expression? It wasn’t that she was having a bad time, it was that she didn’t want me to take a picture. Which is bizarre in an of itself because normally she begs me to take her picture. She is a character.

And this is my favorite picture of the day.
I love little plumber pants on babies. Now had he been 18 years old and showing a little butt crack, I would have yelled at him to pull up his drawers. But since he is only 18 months old, I found it to be adorable :)
It was a great day for family. Especially since we ended the day with Breanna’s baptism.
Another one of our nieces, Sarah, turned 8 yesterday. She too chose be baptized. We are so proud of her and Breanna for making such an important decision to follow the example of the Savior.
Family is so important to us. And one of the great things that we love about our extended family is they all know how to have fun and don’t mind being a little goofy!